Saturday, October 3, 2009

My toy camera

Pogo branded toy camera with a pin hole projector.

I like taking pictures with a real camera, but I also have a toy camera. Here is one of them. :) It shows pictures of various animals when I press the shutter button. There is a switch too which lights a bulb within the camera & shows the photo on the wall!

My butti

I had already given you a glimpse of my "butti" (basket) long back. Now I show where it is kept, out of the way. :)

The "butti" is kept in a shelf with a broken door.

A closeup of the contents of my butti.

A butterfly


This is a "home"work I did with my amma's help. :) Hope you like it? And the photo was taken by nana, not me. :( Mine did not come out well.